Adding or Changing a Driver

Add or change a driver.

You must have permission to view drivers and driver event history, and to manage drivers. The information below your name on the right tells you which assets you are viewing: all (unrestricted user), authorized (restricted user), or filtered by a group selection. Click the linked text to change the selected groups, if you are a member of more than one global group.

Restricted users can see and work only with drivers in global groups they are a member of. If you are a restricted user with permission to manage drivers, you can create a driver and not see the record after you save it. In this case, a message appears when you click Add a new driver that explains the limitation. After you click save, another message indicates that the record was successfully saved.

  1. Click the Drivers tab.
  2. To add a driver, click Add new driver. To change a driver, click to select the driver, then click edit.
  3. Enter or change the driver's ID, driver login name, assigned vehicle ID, alias, and full first/last names as needed. You can't change a driver ID after you save it.
    • Driver login name:
      This is the name the driver sees on the mobile unit after a successful login and is the name appears within the QTRACS and Performance Monitoring applications. During an inspection, the DOT officer uses the driver login name to verify that the HOS records being viewed are for the driver being inspected.
    • Full first/last name:
      These fields are optional. If you use the Hours of Service application (HOS), the driver record you set up with this ID has separate fields for the drivers' first and last names.
  4. If you use the Navigation application a Navigation section appears. Your Fleet ID appears; select the Sub Fleet ID from the drop-down list.
  5. If you use Performance Monitoring on OmniTRACS units and want drivers to log in, enter the Performance Monitoring numerical password. If you use MCP units or have global login enabled, enter the driver login password.
    Note: The driver ID, name, and password fields can contain uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters except for the following: ^ _ \ " [ ] { } ~ ` The first character can't be an asterisk ( * ). Spaces are not allowed.
  6. Enter your driver's CDL number then select the country that issued the CDL followed by the state or province that issued the CDL. If you enter a CDL number, the jurisdiction is required. The value is limited to 20 characters and can only include alphanumeric characters, spaces, or an asterisk. No other special characters are allowed.
  7. To add endorsements, click edit, then click the endorsements for the driver. Click Done.
  8. Select the driver status and enter other information as desired.
  9. Type custom attribute information, if using. Your company defines custom attributes if you use them.
  10. Click save above the driver details on the right.

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