Roadnet Anywhere 5.6SR - New Features and Enhancements


Note: Some of the options described are purchasable and may not appear. Contact your Omnitracs sales representative for more information about acquiring additional features.

Roadnet Anywhere version 5.6SR contains several new features that make it easier for you to plan and monitor your routes throughout the day, as well as analyze your overall transportation operation.


  • A stop event will now be created when associating with a vehicle that is in motion.
    • When a driver associates with a vehicle that is in motion, the Relay will create a stop event when the association occurs. This will allow Compliance Mobile to record driving before the stop events as Unassigned Vehicle Activity, and the motion at the stop as DRIVE time.
  • A stop event will now be created when the Relay is powered Off while in a drive state.
    • When operating as an ELD device, the Relay will now create a stop event when the Relay is powered down while the vehicle is in DRIVE state. This enhancement will terminate the DRIVE segment with a STOP segment, preventing the DRIVE segment from continuing for an indefinite period of time.
  • Consume new configuration for loss of speed diagnostic.
    • The timeout period has been increased for the following ELD Diagnostic values in order to reduce false diagnostic event readings: Loss of vehicle seed, Loss of engine speed (RPM), Loss of data bus.

Compliance Mobile

  • The border crossing prompt for Canadian DVIR has been improved to cover different drivers in the same vehicle. If 24 hours have passed since a vehicle's previous post-trip inspection was performed in the U.S. and a Canadian pre-trip inspection has not yest occurred, the driver will be prompted to perform a pre-trip inspection for the vehicle. This also applies to trailer inspections.
  • Drivers can now enter an odometer reading for a trailer during pre- or post-trip inspections. After they select Confirm in the Trailer Inspection screen and then confirm that the trailer is safe to operate, the Driver Certification screen opens with an option to enter the trailer odometer value. The field allows a maximum of seven digits and the value must be numeric. This field is not required.
  • eRODS files now include the last known duty status event prior to the start date.
    • In order to more accurately reflect a driver's tour of duty, eRODS files sent to the FMCSA from the mobile will now include the last duty status prior to the start date. For example, a driver might go ON Duty at 11 PM on November 1, and switch to Driver status at 1 AM on November 2. If the date range for the eRODS file is November 2-4, the file will now also include the 11 PM On Duty status from November 1. Previously the hours between 11 PM on November 1 and 1 AM on November 2 would not have been included in the file.
  • Several corrections have made to French terminology throughout Compliance mobile, and previously untranslated English terms have now been translated into French.
  • Changes have been made to Paper Log mode.
    • According to the FMCSA, drivers in ELD vehicles need to continue using the mobile app to record hours of service even if a malfunction is active, as long as the malfunction does not interfere with the accurate recording of the driver's HOS data. To support this requirement, the following malfunctions will not longer cause the app to switch to Paper Log Mode, and drivers will not be prompted to keep paper records:
      • Power Compliance Malfunction
      • Position Compliance Malfunction
      • Data Transfer Malfunction
    • For Engine Sync malfunctions, Compliance Mobile will not enter Paper Log Mode, but drivers will receive a message advising them to review all duty status records and either continue to use the ELD if the records are accurate (by selecting OK) or reconstruct the records if they are not accurate.
    • The behavior of the other malfunctions has not changed.
  • Compliance Mobile no longer creates a Missing Data Diagnostic event if the driver has clocked in or out using the Web Time Clock or Driver Portal.


  • There is more detailed information available in the Diagnostic and Malfunction Summary report.
    • To provide users with more detailed information and help them better assess where issues might exist for their fleets, the Diagnostic and Malfunction Summary Report now breaks the report data down by the type of event instead of displaying only the total number of diagnostic or malfunction events. This makes it easier for users to see how many of each type of event have occurred for individual organizations, drivers, or vehicles. Select the hyperlinked value in any column to open the Diagnostic and Malfunction Detail Report, then scroll to the right or left to see all the columns.

  • There are updates to the Diagnostic and Malfunction Detail report.
    • In order to reduce clutter, the Diagnostic and Malfunction Detail report no longer includes "Cleared" events and the Logged/Cleared column has been removed. In addition, the value in the Date/Time column now links to the ELD Driver Log report for the driver on the selected date.
  • In order to reduce report clutter and make the mobile login process faster, duplicated Diagnostic and Malfunction events that are sent by the mobile are no longer reported. This change affects the ELD Driver Log Report as well as eRODS files.
  • There have been changes to how a driver's current rule set is determined. Previously, the system pulled a driver’s current rule set from the last vehicle inspection. That inspection could have occurred up to two years in the past, however, and the rule set might not be accurate anymore. Now, in order to pull more current data, the system only looks for inspections that occurred within the six months prior to the current month. Note that if the driver changes the rule set manually, that rule set supersedes both the default rule set and the rule set notes in the most recent pre- and post-trip inspections.
  • There are new warning messages in the Driver Log Editor. If a back office user edits a driver’s log, and changes are made to the log on the mobile before those edits are saved, the back office user receives a warning message explaining that the current edits will be merged and suggesting that the user review the changes and try saving them again. When the back office user selects OK, they are returned to the log editor window, where the changes that will be merged can be reviewed and saved.

Software Corrections

The following software corrections were made in Roadnet Anywhere 5.6SR.

Key Read Me Notes
XRS-13447 An issue where the backup method to calculate a Total Engine Hours value, when the Relay is connected though an AutoTap device, has been resolved.
XRS-13592 An update was made to correctly label Bendix FOrward Collision Warning events as "Forward Collision CMS" instead of just "Forward Collision Warning".
XRS-14867 An issue where an erroneous Unknown - DRIVE HOSELD event could be recorded when a Relay reboots during a driver segment has been corrected.
XRS-14956 An issue where the Relay would generate two Black Box events, instead of just one, when Bendix Forward Collision Warnings events are detected, has been corrected.
XRS-15600 An issue that prevented the XRS Relay from processing large amounts of Unassigned Vehicle Activity has been corrected.
XRS-4873 An issue that could potentially create erroneous Unassigned Vehicle Activity when a mobile device is turned off in the middle of a trip has been corrected.
XRS-10283 An issue where a correct GPS location would be recorded, but the nearest recorded city could be hundreds of miles away, has been resolved. This issue mainly occurred when in Mexico.
XRS-12527 An issue where repeated erroneous jurisdiction changes between the current location and "UNKNOWN" could be logged has been corrected.
XRS-12884 An issue where a false Black Box event could occur at low or zero speed when a speed spike occurs immediately before the Black Box event has been corrected.
XRS-13197 An issue preventing the Relay from capturing VIN values from some 2019 International trucks has been resolved.
XRS-13865 An issue where spikes in speed values may not be flagged as anomalies, which could cause false Black Box events, has been corrected
RA-43653 There was an issue that was preventing some customers from being able to save region changes. This has been corrected.
RA-43581 There was an issue that was causing customers with a large number of regions to experience slow performance in Roadnet Anywhre Web. This has been corrected.
  Data Transfer
RA-43693 There was an issue that was preventing users with access to only one region from being able to import a routed solution. This has been corrected.
RA-43648 There was an issue that caused the route cards for routes without an origin depot to fail to open. This has been corrected.

There was an issue that was preventing users from being able to edit certain routes in FleetView. This has been corrected.

RA-43470 Resolved an issue where a driver's request to load a route could fialt if the driver was actively associated with an auto generated route.
RA-43778 There was an issue where Net Revenue data that contained negative values was causing those routes not to be reported in Insight. This has been corrected.
RA-43585 There was an issue where users with Can Manage Insight permissions tried to filter a KPI by a depot or region would cause an error. This has been corrected.
RA-43744 There was an issue where users were receiving an error when they tried to run two routing passes together. This has been corrected.
  Compliance Mobile
XRS-10414 Drivers in ELD or Mixed Mode companies are no longer prompted for a distance override when they edit a Drive segment in the mobile log editor.
XRS-10699 Formatting problems in the Review Unassigned Driving Events screen when it was in landscape mode or when the screen was rotated have been resolved.
XRS-14131 When a driver is prompted to end Driving status due to lack of motion and selects "No", then manually changes the duty status, the log now correctly reflects the time of the duty status change rather than the time the motion stopped.
XRS-14826 The User List section of the eRODS files sent from the mobile did not include Unidentified Driver if the UVA event occurred on a day prior to the day the eRODS file was generated. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14834 Diagnostic and Malfunction events were showing up in the drivers' logs for times when they were not connected to the vehicle. This has been corrected.
XRS-14862 An issue that caused the mobile to create duplicate ELD Power Diagnostic events has been resolved.
XRS-14863 An issue that caused the mobile to incorrectly create ELD Engine Sync Malfunction events with a subcode of 0 has been resolved.
XRS-4124 If 24 hours had passed since a vehicle's post-trip inspection was performed in the US and a Canadian pre-trip inspection had not yet occurred, the mobile was prompting the driver to perform a pre-trip inspection based on teh driver's log, not the vehicle's inspection record. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14208 In eRODS files sent from the host, required shipping document information was missing from the CMV Engine Power Up and Shut Down Activity section. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14600 An issue that caused the UVA editor to display “Pending (Edit)” events as “Pending (Add)” has been resolved.
XRS-14768 When a host user tried to save an edit to a driver’s log, a validation message erroneously appeared saying that a record with the same time and type already existed. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-15577 An issue that caused confirmation of drive time reassignments to fail has been resolved.
XRS-15618 An issue that kept instances of Paper Log Mode from being cleared from a driver’s log has been resolved.
XRS-4084 An issue with duplicate records that resulted in incorrect distances to be displayed in the Operation Summary report has been resolved.
XRS-5989 In alert messages triggered by inbound messages that required an image, the link to the image in the notification email was incorrect, meaning the recipient could not see the image. The image link has been corrected.
XRS-14604 An issue that caused trailer IDs to appear on the Driver Log Report after the driver drops the trailer has been resolved.
XRS-15806 An issue that caused trailer IDs to appear on the ELD Driver Log Report after the driver drops the trailer has been resolved.
XRS-6269 The Trip Report was incorrectly displaying zeroes for the duration of trailer inspections in the Details and Duration columns. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-7125 Due to duplicate records inserted into the database, the Trip Report, when grouped by Driver or Vehicle, was incorrectly calculating the mileage for motion segments. This issue has been resolved
XRS-13735 The UVA window only retrieved 4–5 days’ worth of data if the Organization filter was set to “All.” If only a few organizations were selected, the date range increased. This issue has been resolved
XRS-13671 An issue caused some UVA events that were rejected by the driver to not appear in the UVA window. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-12134 When a user clicked a link in the UVA window to assign UVA to a driver, the UVA editor did not consistently display all of the UVA events. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-12732 In the UVA editor, some UVA events showed a negative value in the Driver Association Gap column. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-12755 When UVA was filtered by specific days, some of the events were duplicated or certain values were duplicated to different vehicles. If users then filtered the list using a different date range, the duplicated events no longer appeared. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-12774 An issue that caused UVA events to load and export slowly has been resolved.
XRS-12978 An issue that caused valid UVA events to appear as closed in the UVA editor has been resolved.
XRS-13110 Some UVA Driving and Stop segments were not appearing in the UVA editor. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-13794 Some UVA events, after being accepted by the owner, continued to appear in the UVA window as well as in the driver's log. This has been corrected.
XRS-13866 Some unassigned UVA was not showing up in the UVA window, no matter what its status was, but it was showing up in the Trip Report by Vehicle as unassigned. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14189 When users selected a vehicle in the UVA window to open the UVA editor, only an On Duty even appeared in the editor; the associated Driving event did not appear. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14310 When users selected a vehicle in the UVA window to open the UVA editor and assign UVA to the driver, the date range and time displayed in the UVA window did not always match the date and time in the UVA editor. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14728 When a UVA event was reclassified and the user added a note, the comment was displayed in all note columns, not just the one for the reclassified event. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14738 When a single UVA segment was reclassified, the entire UVA event was displayed as being closed. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14428 If a driver rejected two UVA events at the same time, the UVA window in the host only showed one of the events, and the UVA editor showed two On Duty events instead of one. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-4838 UVA events were occasionally grayed out in the UVA window, meaning that users were not able to assigned the UVA to a driver. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-5888 Some UVA events were showing up in the UVA window as having a closed status, although they had not been reclassified or assigned to a driver. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-6211 When users reclassified UVA they sometimes received an "unexpected error" message and could not save a change. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-7219 UVA events that were classified as "Unassigned" were appearing in the UVA window when it was filtered by "Closed" status. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-6671 UVA events that were reclassified still appeared in the UVA window with an Open status. This issue has been corrected.
XRS-6021 When host users assigned UVA events to drivers, the time associated with the events sometimes changed. This has been corrected.
XRS-3442 UVA events that lasted at least two days were not appearing in the UVA window as expected. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-12301 UVA did not load if the Status was set to "Open" but did load when it was changed to "All". This issue has been resolved.



An issue that caused duplicate UVA to appear in the host has been resolved.
XRS-13908 Some UVA events remained listed in the UVA window after they were reclassified. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-14737 The UVA window showed open UVA events, but when the user selected the vehicle link, there were no events available to assign to a driver. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-13231 If a user conducted two searched in teh UVA window using different date ranges but with some overlapping dates (for instance 3/2-4/1 and 3/28-4/1), UVA events that occurred on one of the overlapping date should have appeared in both searches but only appeared in one. In addition, sometimes the duration of the Driver events did not match. This issue has been resolved.
XRS-11957 Drivers were sometimes being presented with UVA events they had previously rejected, and in the host the rejected UVA showed an excessive number of miles. These issues have been resolved.
XRS-13546 Some open UVA segments were not appearing in the Driver Log Editor and therefore could not be assigned to a driver. This issue has been resolved.


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Omnitracs endeavors to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but Omnitracs is not liable for any errors or omissions. Published information may not be up to date, and it is important to confirm current status with Omnitracs. Specifications subject to change without notice.

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